NEAR Protocol (NEAR) And Its Unique Consensus Mechanism

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Desterlyized Revolution Cryptocurrency: Nice to Protocol (close)

The world of cryptocurrencies in the last years of the substantial growth, when new projects and platforms for the pleasure of the need for all peace have appeared. Monthly one of them is unintended to the mechanism of the consensus – the protocol (close). In this state, we will be able to utter into the practical characteristic and pre -focus of the protocol, subordinating his unique mechanism of the consenment, which is determined for the disturbance of the traditional landscape of the blockchain.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies – these are cytro or virtual currencies, where the cryptography and deentalizing that indicates that they do not counterfeit any provincial or financing. The most existence of cryptocurrency – Bitcoin (BTC), but there are many others on the market, such as ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).

What is cryptocurrency consumption?

Consensus mechanism is configured to the system, which causes all the networks, which are covered by the data of the data, which is very important for the cellosity and the immobility of the blockchain. In traditional cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, the conseming mechanisms are based on algorithms or evidence of work, which are thrusting the high power of the comb.

Problems, related with the traditional mechanisms of the consensus

Tradictive mechanisms of the consensus have a few ogricing:





In the answer on these problems, the protocol of the CARM Are Innovative Mechanism of the Consensus, called the “evidence of the C) (POS) with a new double architectural, called visant -terpimity (BFT). This method is directed on the fact that it is possible to prevents energy and pre -forming resolution for the decentralized programs.

Mechanism of the Consensus stock

Mechanism Post -Concussion, Used by the Protocol, looks the following image:

  • Location hacked : Net stories out of the hack, which are precinct in the consensus process.



  • confiscation : The process of confrontation guarantees that all of the cord is covered with one version of the data.

Vizantian Sbia Talerant (BFT)

BFT mechanism, used practical in the protocol, foundations on the visanthic admission of the Otkaz (BFT), which allows the efficient and non -existent mechanism to the malicious subjects. This underwear guarantees that the net remains unsuccessful and functional, even if they are at some hacks.

misery pre -focus

Potocol of the Protocol is included in:

  • Economic efficiency : Mechanism after agitation is more efficient for energy, what traditional algorithms, such as pow.




NEAR Protocol (NEAR) and

In the conclusion, the significant breakthrough in the technology of blockchain devouts the protocol. His Innovative Mechanism of the Consensus, based on the evidence of action (POS) with the visanthic terpimity with insufficiency (BFT), gives a few over -the -law with the traditional algorithm.

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